Simple ideas that make it special
So me and the boys have got the crafting bug now.
Anytime we want to make something special there’s always a ‘vinyl craft’ solution.
Leaving Present T-shirt
Firstly – Alfie wanted to do a football shirt for his teacher’s leaving gift.
She’s a big Newcastle fan. I bought a cheaper version of a similar replica shirt – and personalised the back for her.
Quick, cheap, easy and unique 😃
Theme Park Trip T’shirts
Then there was our trip to Chessington World Of Advernture.
These are two shirts I made to surprise the boys on our overnight stay.
They like having something “special” to wear of course – but it also meant if ever I lost one of them at the theme park I could easily describe what they were wearing.
It’s basically the same shirt – but with their names on the back.
And Godzilla of course.
Again – cheap, simple, fun, easy to do – and practical too.
I LOVE vinyls!
Katie ❤️